We have well qualified experienced and devoted staff. Their professional commitment, supervision, involvement & guidance have been pivotal in the success of the school over two decades. Orientation & regular training programmes are organised for the staff from time to time to update their knowledge and teaching skills. The Administrative staff provides a strong support for the smooth functioning of the school.
Ms.K. Vinitha
M.Sc. Chemistry, MA English BZC B.Ed, M.Ed
Principal Message
Dear Faculty, Staff, Students, and Parents,
‘Stepping Up to team up and collectively scale heights of glory as PORPS’
I am writing to you today with a sense of immense pride, gratitude, and eagerness as I officially step into the role of Principal of DDMS P OBUL REDDY PUBLIC SCHOOL. Having served as Vice Principal for the past 8 years, I am deeply honored and humbled by the opportunity to now lead this remarkable institution. At the outset, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the management for entrusting in me the responsibility to be the principal of this esteemed institution. Let me place it on record that I shall, along with my team of dedicated vice principal, headmistresses and teaching and non teaching staff put in every effort to bring the glory of this school to further heights.
Each and every one of you has rendered your firm support to heighten the reputation of the school with your dedication, and commitment to our school community. Together, we have achieved remarkable milestones, overcome challenges, and fostered an environment that prioritizes academic excellence, personal growth, and inclusivity. I implore upon you to be the efficient navigators as you have always been. As I transition into this new role, I am fully aware of the responsibility that comes with it. I am committed to upholding the values and principles that define our school, while also embracing innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement. My vision for DDMS P OBUL REDDY PUBLIC SCHOOL is one of continued growth and excellence, where every student feels valued, empowered, and inspired to reach their full potential.
I firmly believe that education is a concerted venture, and I am eager to work together with each of you to ensure that our students receive the best quality of education possible. Together, we will continue to cultivate a supportive and nurturing environment that nurtures intellectual inquisitiveness, critical thinking, and an enduring love of learning. To our students, I want to assure you that I am here to support you in every way possible. Whether you need guidance, encouragement, or simply someone to listen, my door is always open to you. Your success is our top priority, and I am committed to providing you with the resources, support, and opportunities you need to flourish.
To our parents, I extend my solemn appreciation for entrusting us with the education and well-being of your wards. Your corporation and participation are invaluable, and I look forward to working together to ensure that every student at DDMS P OBUL REDDY PUBLIC SCHOOL receives top-notch edification. Actually speaking, I am enormously excited about the journey that lies ahead and the opportunity to lead DDMS P OBUL REDDY PUBLIC SCHOOL into a future filled with potential and opportunity. Together, there is no limit to what we can accomplish, and I am privileged to serve as your principal.
Thank you once again for your continued support, and I look forward to embarking on this voyage together.
As Educators and School Leaders our core responsibility is to provide an environment that engages our students in learning. Such environment does not result simply from putting in place particular physical features, rather it is the result of a culture for learning and as such a culture is the result of everything we do, think and believe.
AMS. P. Obul Reddy Public School, children learn the importance of integration of cultures and values through daily activities which are so designed as to foster respect for diverse ethnicities and religious faiths through the INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL AWARDS program (ISA) which has been embedded in the curriculum.
If Education of the 21st Century is to contribute to improved learning, better outcomes and Internationalism for making our children Global Citizens, then our pedagogy must be designed for the fundamental process that should be used to target resources, benchmark learning against world’s best teaching practices and monitor these trends over time.
Etched on the stone of Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington, USA , are words which dramatically sum up the challenges of the 21st Century.
“If we have to have peace on earth, our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. Our loyalties must transcend our race, our class and our nation. And this means we must develop a world perspective”.
When the posture of our School is towards inculcating Internationalism in our Teachers and pupils we will surely begin to develop global citizens in the future.
Ms.B. Vijayalakshmi
M.A (Political Science),B.Ed Senior Secondary Vice-Principal |
Ms. B. Nagaveena
M.Sc. (Bio-Tech), M.Tech, B.Ed., EdLEAP (IIM-C). Secondary Vice-Principal |
Ms.K.C. Srivani BA(Eco),MPA, B.Ed. Primary Head-Mistress |
Ms. Sri Vijaya Durga Devi Kyanam
B.A. (Education), MBA (Marketing), PGDECE, B.Ed.
Pre-Primary Head-Mistress |
Ms.Vinitha Anil
B.Sc,M.A (English),B.Ed, M.Ed Senior Secondary Vice-Principal |
Ms. B. Nagaveena
M.Sc. Bio-Tech, M.Tech, B.Ed. Secondary Vice-Principal |
Ms.K.C. Srivani BA(Eco),MPA, B.Ed. Primary Head-Mistress |
Ms. Sri Vijaya Durga Devi Kyanam B.A. (Education), MBA (Marketing), PGDECE Pre-Primary Head-Mistress |